What I'm Watching
I'm way overdue for an update on my movie-watching. We've gotten rid of our TV, and the Blockbuster program is working wonderfully. Here are a few recent movies, but there are more reviews coming soon.
Rocky Balboa (2006). If you understand that the Rocky series is not really about boxing, this is a great movie. Audiences have been complaining about the endless series -- he's so old, etc. It makes me wonder -- did people really think the movies were about boxing? If so, I guess they don't know much about boxing. I find that a lot of people secretly enjoy this series, and this movie, but they don't know why they like it so much. In a great speech, Rocky says, "Life is not about how hard you can hit. It's about hard you can get hit, and still keep going." In other words, how much strength do you have in you to keep going? Where does that kind of inner strength come from? Where does real courage come from? Good spiritual questions from a very spiritual movie. Highly recommend for people who can understand the subtlety of Rocky's message.

Happy Feet (2006). Not impressed. Lots of dancing, pop music, one-liner jokes, and flat characters. Throw in a positive message that tries too hard. I really wanted to like Happy Feet, but it was a big waste of time.

Gangs of New York (2002). I always like a good historical fiction, if it captures the history well. I think this one did (but, of course, I don't really know). Great acting, a decent story. I liked the characters, too. It was way too long. It tried to be an epic, but didn't have an epic story, epic characters or epic plot. Would have worked better as a biography. Nonetheless, the production value is incredible. A good, solid movie. Leonardo is simply an amazing actor -- paired with Daniel Day Lewis, who is also terrific. Worth watching, but not owning, I think.

Kill Bill, vol.1 (2003). I love the style of Tarantino, though not his content, usually. I wince at the content while being captured and thoroughly the style. This movie was exactly that (as Pulp Fiction). One of the most violent movies I've seen, but so uniquely artful. Can violence be beautiful? Should it be beautiful? Is this like eloquent verbal abuse? Or like a delicious and satisfying meal of poison? Damn you, Tarantino! I think I can appreciate and enjoy the beauty (which is doubtless present) without enjoying the violence -- or can I? I plan to watch volume 2.

Fools Rush In (1997). Romantic comedy with Matthew Perry (Friends) and Salma Hayek. We watched this one on a recommendation of enjoying the culture clash of this mis-matched couple. All-American rich white boy meets poor, free-spirited Mexican girl. Some hilarious scenes, especially when the parents meet each other. Great stuff. Of course it ends with "romantic love triumphs all differences," which I have found to be (and believe to be) incredibly short-sighted. However, it was a fun, light movie with a progressive message, plus Salma Hayek is very easy on the eyes. Worth watching.

Pursuit of Happyness (2006). Perhaps not quite worth the hype, but this is a great movie. Will Smith shows his dramatic chops in full force. His son (on screen and in real life) is really cute and does some great dramatic scenes, too. Nothing unexpected from this movie, but I usually enjoy true stories that remind me about the racism (and classism) of the very recent past (not to diminish the very real problems of the present). I especially liked the "behind the scenes" stuff with the real guy. Worth watching occasionally, not owning.

Rocky Balboa (2006). If you understand that the Rocky series is not really about boxing, this is a great movie. Audiences have been complaining about the endless series -- he's so old, etc. It makes me wonder -- did people really think the movies were about boxing? If so, I guess they don't know much about boxing. I find that a lot of people secretly enjoy this series, and this movie, but they don't know why they like it so much. In a great speech, Rocky says, "Life is not about how hard you can hit. It's about hard you can get hit, and still keep going." In other words, how much strength do you have in you to keep going? Where does that kind of inner strength come from? Where does real courage come from? Good spiritual questions from a very spiritual movie. Highly recommend for people who can understand the subtlety of Rocky's message.

Happy Feet (2006). Not impressed. Lots of dancing, pop music, one-liner jokes, and flat characters. Throw in a positive message that tries too hard. I really wanted to like Happy Feet, but it was a big waste of time.

Gangs of New York (2002). I always like a good historical fiction, if it captures the history well. I think this one did (but, of course, I don't really know). Great acting, a decent story. I liked the characters, too. It was way too long. It tried to be an epic, but didn't have an epic story, epic characters or epic plot. Would have worked better as a biography. Nonetheless, the production value is incredible. A good, solid movie. Leonardo is simply an amazing actor -- paired with Daniel Day Lewis, who is also terrific. Worth watching, but not owning, I think.

Kill Bill, vol.1 (2003). I love the style of Tarantino, though not his content, usually. I wince at the content while being captured and thoroughly the style. This movie was exactly that (as Pulp Fiction). One of the most violent movies I've seen, but so uniquely artful. Can violence be beautiful? Should it be beautiful? Is this like eloquent verbal abuse? Or like a delicious and satisfying meal of poison? Damn you, Tarantino! I think I can appreciate and enjoy the beauty (which is doubtless present) without enjoying the violence -- or can I? I plan to watch volume 2.

Fools Rush In (1997). Romantic comedy with Matthew Perry (Friends) and Salma Hayek. We watched this one on a recommendation of enjoying the culture clash of this mis-matched couple. All-American rich white boy meets poor, free-spirited Mexican girl. Some hilarious scenes, especially when the parents meet each other. Great stuff. Of course it ends with "romantic love triumphs all differences," which I have found to be (and believe to be) incredibly short-sighted. However, it was a fun, light movie with a progressive message, plus Salma Hayek is very easy on the eyes. Worth watching.

Pursuit of Happyness (2006). Perhaps not quite worth the hype, but this is a great movie. Will Smith shows his dramatic chops in full force. His son (on screen and in real life) is really cute and does some great dramatic scenes, too. Nothing unexpected from this movie, but I usually enjoy true stories that remind me about the racism (and classism) of the very recent past (not to diminish the very real problems of the present). I especially liked the "behind the scenes" stuff with the real guy. Worth watching occasionally, not owning.

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